The ACT (American College Test) and the SAT (Standards Admissions Test) are recognized widely as standardized tests used for college admissions processes. The ACT tests students on English, reading math, science and an optional essay component. The SAT tests only on English, reading and math.
Any student that qualifies for free/reduced lunch has the opportunity to test for free. Please see your counselor for an ACT or SAT fee waiver.
To access scores, students need a College Board Student Account
Create a College Board Student Account. If students are creating their College Board account for the first time, go to student scores college board and click Sign Up to create an account. Students should use their full legal name that matches what the school has on file. They should be prepared to provide basic information, including gender, date of birth, email address, high school name, expected high school graduation date, and zip code. The account will be created. Continue to step #2.
View Scores in the College Board Reporting Portal
To view scores, students will go to student scores college board and sign in. If their scores are not shown, continue to step #3.Match College Board Student Account and Registration
If a student is signed in but doesn’t see their scores, it means we were not able to link their score report and account automatically. For security reasons, a student must verify additional information before we can display their scores. They will need either their SAT registration number or their State Student ID number. To match, they will:Click Add Score(s).
Review the personal information.
i. If any information is incorrect, click Update to revise. Students will be prompted to reenter their password.
ii. If the information is correct, click Get My Scores.
If a match is still not found, students will be prompted to provide either their test information, including their test date and registration number, or their State Student ID number.
i. To use test information to match, they will select SAT as their test. Enter “2017” as the test year. And, enter their SAT Registration Number. Click Get My Scores.
(Educators, this number can be found on the student admission tickets. Or, you may need to provide this number to your students. It can be found in the SAT Roster Detail report in the Educator Reporting Portal.)ii. To use their Student ID number to match, students will enter their State Student ID. Click Get My Scores.
There may still be cases in which a student is not able to view their scores using the steps above because the information is too different or the scores have not yet been finalized. If students cannot view their scores, they should call the College Board’s Student SAT Help Line at 1-866-756-7346.