Kindergarten Registration begins tomorrow, March 10th (9:00-3:30), 11th (9:00-6:00), and 12th (9:00-3:30). #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
kinder regist
Chapter 5 Trivia Question winner was Mrs. Pacheco's class. Whoop! Whoop!! #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
oh in KP
Oh in Mrs. Pacheco's class
Chapter 2 - Trivia Q: What snack does Aldo give Og? A: A cricket Woohoo. Our classroom winner was Mrs. Marks' room! Read Chapter 3 tonight!!! #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Marks Og
To celebrate the 120th day of school we challenged the students to collect 120 items for the Genoa Food Pantry per grade level. Boy did we out do ourselves!!! We collected well over 900 items! The students collected 800+ and the staff collected 120+! Wowza!!! #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
food pantry
One School One Book - Life According to Og the Frog - Read Chapter 1 this weekend!
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
og the frog
PTO Dessert Days Fundraiser... pick up will be week before Easter Break.. K through 8th will be selling. Order yours today😊 #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
pies 1
pies 2
PLEASE NOTE: If you are coming to visit or volunteer, you will need to bring your Driver's License. We had some computer software upgrades over break. So even if you had it scanned before, we will need it again. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
dont forget
So proud of Ms. Timmermann. She is the Teacher Feature in the DeKalb County Farm Bureau's Connection magazine!! #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
teacher feature
KES staff learned about mindfulness today during PLC. They learned that they have to take care of themselves first. Great way to kick off break. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The Polar Express came to KES for Mrs. Cook's and Mrs. DiMaggio's classes today. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
A big shout out to Mr. Rucker and the GKHS jazz band for coming to entertain us this afternoon. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Please help us out by paying your lunch balances as soon as possible. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Pay your lunch balance today
We are celebrating everyday of December with "A gift of Kindness". Each day a new Act of Kindness is revealed and announced on the morning announcements. Our students are enjoying this so much. They have been challenged to also do it at home. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The Gift of Kindness
Happy Thanksgiving week!!! Remember there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
No school for thanksgiving
Fun in the snow today!!! Please make sure your child has the proper snow gear. #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Reminder there is NO School today. See you on Monday! #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
no school
Thank to the GK PTO for dinner tonight during conferences. The baked potato bar was perfect and hit the spot!!! #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
PTO rocks
Our first assembly was great!!! The theme was November's character trait of Respect. We heard the story My Mouth is a Volcano. #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations to the KES October Students of the Month for the character trait of Trustworthiness. They were honored at today's PBIS Assembly. #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill
October som
Tomorrow's lunch is going to be sausages wrapped in a pancake INSTEAD of mini corndogs. #gkcogs #kescogs
almost 5 years ago, Stefanie Hill