Principal's Challenge #3 - Have a terrific Tuesday! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Music Lesson #3 - Mrs. Johnson has put together another video to share. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
It is very important to keep your learning well rounded. The KES Daily Specials will help you continue with your "specials", PE, Art, Music, Social Emotional, Science, Social Studies and more. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
monday 040620
Good Morning!!! Happy Monday - here is the Principal's Challenge. Remember this is just for fun - Have fun with it! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Principal challenge your school spirit. Wear orange and blue. Post a picture below. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Be on the look out for the daily Principal Challenge. There will be a new one everyday. It will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and the webpage. You can then post a picture in the comments. Join the fun! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
principal challenge
Please note that due to the school closing, the kindergarten concert is cancelled. Thank you. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
k concert
Copies of paper packets will be available in the vestibule Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the hours of 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. You do not need to email. Please remember only one adult in the vestibule at a time - no children. Thank you! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
packet pickup
An email was sent this morning containing links for the new packets, how to pick up packets if you can't print, and how to pick up a Chromebook (1st and 2nd grade only). It is very important to follow the directions outlined in the email. Thank you!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
GK PTO Pie Fundraiser important news. Please read #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
pto pie fundraiser
Hey, Hey, Hey! It is time for Chapter 15 Trivia! Q: What is the final decision? Remember do not post your answers here, write them down with your other answers. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
trivia 320
The office of Kingston Elementary School will be closed tomorrow so that the cleaning crew can sanitize the office area. I will be working from home and can be reached via email. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Og and Humphrey
Hey there 1st grade parents, the teachers would like for you to check your See Saw accounts for resources that the teachers are posting. Please note the 1st grade teachers will be sending invites to phones and emails for parents who are not on See Saw yet. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
hello first grade
It is trivia time!!!! Today's trivia question is for Chapter 14. Q: What does the class do before the first debate? Remember do not post your answers here, write down your answer on your paper to turn in to your teacher when school resumes. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
trivia 319
Yipee Yahooey!!! It is time for Chapter 13 Trivia!!! Q: What does Mrs. Brisbane want the class to debate? Remember don't post answers here. Write your answer down with your other answers to turn in later. Keep reading!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
trivia 318
If you are still interested in ordering a yearbook, please email Katie Bohne,, include your child’s name, teacher’s name and quantity. Payment will be due upon our return to school, yearbooks will NOT be distributed until payments are received. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
It is Trivia time!!!! I hope you read chapter 12 last night! Here we go.... Q: Who does Og say are "truly gold friends"? Remember don't post your answer here, write it down with your answer from yesterday to turn in when school resumes! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
trivia 317
Chapter 11 Trivia Question (Write down your answer to turn in once school resumes) PLEASE DO NOT POST ANSWERS HERE. #gkcogs #kesisthebest Q: What do the buttons Dr. Okeke passes out say?
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
School closed March 16 - March 30. Classes will resume on March 31st. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
schools closed
What documentation do you need to bring for Kindergarten registration? You will need a certified copy of the child's birth certificate as well as proof of residency. See the list. #gkcogs #kescogs
over 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill