image of Charlie Hansen

Student Board Member Reflects on Representing the Student Body

In June 2023, Charlie Hansen, was the first Student Board of Education representative at Genoa-Kingston School District 424 to be appointed! This school year, Charlie, a senior at GKHS, will serve his second term as the student board representative .

Charlie shared about his journey, from hearing about the opening for the position to his current reflections and future hopes. He shared how the opportunity to represent his fellow students sparked a sense of responsibility within him, prompting him to throw his hat into the ring when applications went out two years ago in the spring.

Looking back on his first year, Charlie acknowledged that progress might have been slow, but he's hopeful that his experiences have laid a foundation for smoother operations moving forward. He noted that many students might not have been fully aware of how the board functions, but he's eager to change that by encouraging more input and involvement from his peers.

One highlight for Charlie  has been the introduction of a student calendar, a project he was actively involved in. He sees this calendar as a game-changer, a place where all GKHS student activities and events can be easily found and accessed. His hope is that by making this resource more visible and user-friendly, he can address concerns about clubs and community service opportunities slipping under the radar.

Looking ahead, Charlie wants to have more of a  presence for his fellow students, someone they feel comfortable approaching with questions or concerns. He believes that by fostering open communication, the board can better understand and address the issues that matter most to students, making for a stronger and more united school community.

For Charlie, the heart of the matter is ensuring that every student has a voice. He's committed to improving the student calendar and spreading the word about it, seeing it as a key tool for connecting students with the resources and opportunities available to them.

As Charlie enters his second year on the student board, his dedication to representing his peers and making positive change serves as an inspiration to us all. With his energy and determination, Charlie is helping to shape a school environment where every student feels heard, valued and empowered to make a difference.