Student Services
In District 424, we believe in preparing students to excel and contribute to their community. In keeping with our mission of ensuring student success, we strive to address and accommodate the needs of students as they engage in the learning process. District 424 Student Services provides support for all students by partnering with building teams, parents, and the other stakeholders to ensure all students have access to our core curriculum, equal opportunities for advanced learning, and a rigorous pathway of instruction that is responsive to their individual educational needs.
Genoa Kingston CUSD 424 provides special education programs and services to eligible students with disabilities between the ages of 3-21, inclusive, consistent with Federal and State laws. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Illinois School Code, school districts are required to identify students with suspected disabilities and, if eligible, to design an individualized education program (IEP) to support the student having an opportunity to receive a "free appropriate public education" (FAPE). To be eligible, the disability must interfere with the student's ability to receive an adequate educational benefit without additional supports and services. Parents and students also are afforded a variety of procedural safeguards, including notices of proposed actions, annual review of the IEP, periodic reevaluations and the right to file complaints.
Guidelines for Behavioral Interventions
The District identifies students with suspected disabilities through preschool screenings & individualized testing requested by parents, school teams, or referrals from outside associates, as appropriate.
The District offers community based screening for preschool students twice a year and by appointment monthly at the District. These screenings include speech and developmental checkpoints with our District Diagnostician, Carrie Rasmussen. The dates and locations vary from year to year. For an appointment, contact Carrie Rasmussen at 815-784-5111.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS is a proactive and preventative framework that integrates data and instruction to maximize student achievement and support student's social, emotional, and behavioral needs from a strengths-based perspective.
Genoa Kingston’s Department of Student Services, in collaboration with building administrators and staff, work to provide opportunities for all students to receive additional enrichment, supports, and interventions in order to thrive and progress academically. The process is implemented through a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) framework, which includes screening assessments to show growth and specialized interventions determined by a school-based problem-solving team.
** The purpose of progress monitoring is to determine the effectiveness of an intervention plan on student learning. When data shows students are progressing, interventions are maintained. When data show students are not progressing, a change in intervention is necessary.
As noted above, Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions do not take the place of, but are additional to Tier 1 core instruction.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law to support students who are homeless. McKinney-Vento is intended to provide students the same educational opportunities as those who are housed by removing as many barriers to learning for students who are homeless as possible.
Additional Resources
Information at ISBE related to Special Education and Support Services.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. Infants and toddlers with disabilities (bith-2) and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.
RAMP: RAMP is a non-profit, non-residential Center for Independent Living (CIL) that emulates the Independent Living Philosophy with a mission that promotes an accessible society that allows and expects full participation by people with disabilities.
IDEAs That Work: Resource website - Preparing children and youth with disabilities for success.