Karen and Brad taking a photo for staff spotlight

From Nominator: Karen wears a "coat of many colors." Meaning - nothing truly comes to mind that she can't do at GK. She is capable of attending and/or running more meetings in a single day than anyone I know! She is a mentor to all, an excellent listener and advice giver, and the best problem solver you will ever meet!

Karen is a teacher at heart and will ALWAYS jump in to get the students' needs met. She thinks outside the box, even meeting with families at a neutral location to help determine what may help. If that means she will tutor a student on her own time to get them re-focused, then that is what she will do. She is on several community boards and is always reminding students of service opportunities and to get involved. She gives of herself wholly, every time.

She will always find time to help in any situation, big or small and has a heart of gold! We will never find another person in our GK lifetime!