Happy Spring Break GK Family!!
I'm not sure if Spring Break could have come at a better time! We have been thrown curve ball after curve ball and every time GK has hit a home run! Our food service team and transportation team came together to provide meals for those that need them, and our amazing teachers have answered the call with online and alternative learning! Many are working behind the scenes to help develop and implement the cutting edge instructional techniques you are seeing, and student services continue to help our kiddos out! The tech team is working non-stop to make sure everyone's technology is working and everyone can connect to the internet! The district office staff and building office staff keeps everything organized and enables everything to keep rolling! Our operations department is wiping out COVID 19 in all our buildings! The building principals are leading in unprecedented times! Oh! And don't forget about the STUDENTS!! I have seen some AMAZING things happening online! No one can question the resiliency of our GK community!! I am one proud superintendent!
As I am sure you have heard, Governor Pritzker has extended the public school shutdown. As of now, students will not return to school until Wednesday, April 8th. The GK Administrative Team got together yesterday using google hangouts and social distancing, and has put together a plan for moving forward with an alternative learning plan for each building. Sometime in the near future, your building principal will be making contact with you to let you know what the plan is for after spring break. Remember, we will continue to provide breakfast and lunch each day of spring break at the same pick up locations and times as this week.
But for now, RELAX! Enjoy your family, and recharge your batteries! This has been a challenging road, but you have all been AWESOME! So stay awesome, and enjoy the break. We will stay in touch and update you as needed to make sure we are all on the same page. Take care GK! Until next time!
Brent O'Daniell
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