We had a great time at GKHS’ first PBIS Activity Day!
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. The goal is to create proactive strategies to define, teach, and support positive student behaviors. In doing so, we help ensure a more positive school culture that plays a role in minimizing negative behaviors such as disruptions to learning, bullying, and unsafe conditions. PBIS allows schools to function in a comprehensive, systemic manner where all expectations are taught to students, modeled, and expected. In basic terms, Tier I supports are universal for all students. Tier II supports target smaller student groups who benefit from additional supports. Tier III supports are more intensive to help a smaller number of individual students.
As PBIS implementation at G-K has been built from the ground up, the high school will require additional growth and development to match the Silver and Gold standards achieved by other district buildings. As part of that effort, March 1st was our PBIS kickoff day. Throughout the day, students were taught the positive expectations matrix and participated in a building wide activity day celebration.