As we approach our first eLearning Day, staff is working to create uniform guidelines.
- Reading assignments should be of reasonable length.
- Video instruction may be used. Teachers may record a lesson ahead of time and make it available to students to view during eLearning Days. Lectures will be less than 10 minutes.
- Lessons are delivered through Google Classroom.
- Students submit their assignments through Google Classroom.
- Students receive lessons from all classes they have in their daily schedule (day will be determined as an A or B day).
- April 22 is a B eLearning day. May 3 will be an A eLearning day.
- Assignments will be posted by Thursday, April 18 at the end of the day; they are due Wednesday, April 24.
- One extra day to turn in assignments in the event of no internet access. If an E-Learning Day is Monday, assignments need to be turned in by Wednesday.
- Attendance: Students will need to show proof that they are present in the Google Classroom on the E-Learning day (ex. comment on teacher post, Google form, reflection question, etc...)