May 20, 2019
KES continues the ABC Countdown. Monday, May 20 is Queen Day. The girls will be treated like Queens. Tuesday, May 21 is Read In Day. The students will get to read around th...

May 15, 2019
Congratulations to the KES April Students of the Month for the character trait of Citizenship. These students are selected by their classroom teacher and recognized by having the...

May 15, 2019
S ounds we are learning: AR ar
T ricky word of the week: why
May word family: -ate
Thank you to the families who thought of us during Teacher Appreciation W...

April 24, 2019
It is that time of year already!!! KES celebrates the end of the year by doing an end of the year ABC countdown. The calendar of events was sent home with your child but it is a...

April 24, 2019
Genoa-Kingston gave out the 2nd annual Nikki Gudall Volunteer awards last night! A special shout out to the KES and GES award winner, Mrs. Jen Creadon. She is always available to ...

April 24, 2019
Sounds we are learning: QU qu and OU ou
Tricky word of the week: when
April word family: -ill
Dates to remember:
April 26 - COGS store, all school ...

April 18, 2019
The 2nd grade classes had an awesome time visiting the Kishwaukee Heritage Museum in Genoa, IL. They were able to look at items that define our community. The volunteers from th...

April 18, 2019
Sounds we are learning: TH th and QU qu
Tricky word of the week: what
April word family: -ill
Dates to remember:
April 19 - No School April 22 - No ...

April 12, 2019
What a great way to spend the evening!! The kindergartners did an amazing job! A special shout out to Mrs. Johnson, the music teacher, and Mrs. Hale, the PE teacher, for putting...

April 3, 2019
Sounds we are learning: CH ch, SH sh, and TH th Tricky word of the week: little April word family: -ill Dates to remember: April 8 & 9 - Vision and Hearing scree...

April 3, 2019
Sounds of the week: Xx and CH ch Tricky word of the week: down April word family: -ill Dates to remember: April 3rd - Bus Evacuation Drill April 11th - Kindergarten Con...

March 13, 2019
Sounds we are learning: Vv oo Tricky word of the week: put March word family: -en Important dates: March 15th - End of 3rd Quarter March 18th - Kindergart...

February 28, 2019
Sounds we are learning: Ww ng Vv
Tricky word of the week: here
March word family: - en
Important dates:
March 9 - G-K Education Foundation Fundraise...

February 28, 2019
Sounds of the week: ee/or z w
Tricky word of the week: there/where
February word family: -ing
Important dates:
February 28 - Spring Pictures Mar...

February 22, 2019
Kindergarten Registration begins March 12th. Parents of incoming Kindergartners, (children must by 5 on or before September 1, 2019) can register on-line at home or at school. ...

February 22, 2019
The 1st grade was finally able to perform on Wednesday, 2/20/19, after cancelling the concert on 2/7/19, due to inclement weather. The concert was based on the story The Day the ...