The many faces of conferences - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences are happening tonight and tomorrow. #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Just a reminder: NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
election day no school
Don't forget to visit our KES On-Line Bookfair. Happening Now!!! #gkcogs #KESisthebest Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with online shopping:
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
There will be no in-person classes at Kingston Elementary for the next three days. We will be doing all remote for October 27, 28, and 29. We will resume in-person on Friday, October 30. This will be a Blue day. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The KES bookfair opens today. Books make great gifts!! Use this link to check out the bookfair. #gkcogs #KESisthebest Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with online shopping:
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Tomorrow, October 23, is an Orange Day! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
orange day
Let's wrap up the 1st quarter with a community service project. Bring items to school. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
pack the bus
The GK Community Impact Clubs are holding a Pack The Bus food/supply drive from October 19th to November 19th to help the Genoa Area Community Food Hub. Please see the following link for more information.
almost 4 years ago, GK CUSD #424
Picture Retakes are today! Bring your child in between 8:00 and 3:30. If they are in school today they can get it done while they are here. #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
retakes 2
KES Picture Retakes are scheduled for Thursday, October 15 from 8:00-3:30. Students that are not in school that day may be brought in during the hours above to have their picture taken or retaken. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Mark your calendar! Kingston Elementary will be doing an On-line book fair. The dates are October 26 - November 8. Books make great gifts! More information coming!!! #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
book fair
Just reminder - No School on Monday, October 12, 2020. #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Institute day today!!! Teachers learning new tricks for on-line learning. Always trying to improve our teaching practices. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
KES office staff tried their hand at putting together a scarecrow for the GK FFA scarecrow event. Wait! Why does that clipboard say Mrs. Hill? What???
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
scarecrow 1
scarecrow 2
scarecrow 3
Friday, October 2, 2020 is an Orange day!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
orange day
Ms. Timmermann's class flew to Georgia on "Virtual Field Trip Tuesday" and saw sting rays, sharks, fish, and more! Here's a picture of a whale shark that we saw today at the Georgia Aquarium. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
whale shark
What masks are appropriate and acceptable to wear at school? See the photos below. Please do not send your child with a vented mask, scarf, bandana or neck gator. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
safe masks
safe masks 1
Our remote Kindergarteners are going to the Zoo! Virtually of course!!! Mrs. Bollech is rocking remote learning!!! #gkschools #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Tomorrow, Friday, September 25, 2020 is a BLUE day!!! #gkcogs #KESisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Friday, September 18, 2020 is an Orange Day! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 4 years ago, Stefanie Hill