Kindergarten Registration is coming soon! Please mark your calendar for March 8 (9:00-3:30), March 9 (9:00-6:30), and March 10 (9:00-3:30). Bring your child along to do a brief screener and they will receive a kindergarten readiness bag. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Lunch menu change for Friday, October 1st. Friday's C choice will be a sunbutter and jelly sandwich instead of a salad. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The Genoa-Kingston FFA is holding a Scarecrow contest. Kingston Elementary did a Pete the Cat Scarecrow - please vote for #3. It is in front of Red's Barber shop. You can vote here... Remember vote for #3!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Pete the Cat scarecrow
Reminder - Wednesday is Crazy Hair Day! Please no hair dye or colored hair spray. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
hair day
KES Reminder - Tomorrow, 09/21/21, is Neon Day for Homecoming Week! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
KES Picture Day!!! September 14th!!!
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
picture day
Attention, lunch menu change. Tomorrow, Friday, September 3rd, the choice A lunch will be a Cheese Calzone instead of pepperoni pizza. Sorry for the inconvenience. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
lunch menu change
Wednesday is Early Release at 1:45pm #gkcogs #kesisthebest
about 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The bookfair is coming! The bookfair is coming!!! August 30 - September 2. You can check it out on-line and see it in-person at the KES Open House.
about 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The Kishwaukee Valley Wanderers are hosting their first annual Clean the Kish event. They are attempting to spread the word. Great community service for the kiddos and families! Use the link below for more information.
about 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Watch out Mrs. Hale!!! KES surpassed their goal in raising funds for the kids healthy heart challenge. They raised over $7500. That means Mrs. Hale gets slimed. What fun!!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
about 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Finally!!! KES has little libraries available-take a book-leave a book. They are located on the west side of the building. Open for everyone to use. A special thanks to the Nikki Gudall family and Dr. Pam Farris for the donation of the little libraries. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
little library
Mrs. Wilkinson's class did a fun activity in their classroom yesterday. They each randomly picked a card with a classmate's name on it and then wrote kind compliments to each other. They loved hearing the positive words. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
2W compliment day
A big shout out to our local Daisy Troop for donating Girl Scout cookies to our teachers for Teacher's Appreciation Week. I over heard them say they sold 2,000 boxes of cookies. Wow!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
daisy troop cookies
A big KES thank you to the daisy troop for donating books to Mrs. Brouwer's classroom. I love that they came to give them to her in person. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
daisy troop books
One of the best parts of my day is getting to listen to students read! Congratulations to Owen for earning a chance to read with the Principal through our reading incentive. What a great reader you are!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
owen reading
KES is so excited for the FFA Petting zoo today!!! It is going to be so much fun!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
pz 1
pz 2
pz 3
We are gearing up for the End of the Year ABC Countdown. Mark your calendars and join in the fun!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
ABC countdown
Kingston Elementary is doing a 4th quarter community service project in collaboration with the GKMS Impact club. Please see the flyer for details. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
comm service
It is with great pleasure to reCOGnize Kingston Elementary School's 2019-2020 recipients of the Nikki Gudall Volunteer Award. Kristi Dunn and Carol Glassie gave many hours to KES. Our school is a better place because of volunteers like Kristi and Carol. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 3 years ago, Stefanie Hill
volunteer 1
volunteer 2