Congratulations to Mrs. Baus' class for winning the Chapter 12 trivia question. The question was "Who keeps leaving food wrappers and trash all over the house?" The answer was "Murray". WooHoo!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Cook's class for winning the Chapter 11 Trivia Question. The question was " What food does Kona have for the babies?" The answer was "pudding." Woohoo! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Way to go, Mrs. Lampard's class for getting the correct answer for the Chapter 10 trivia question. The question was "Where did Kona make a bed for the baby squirrels?" The correct answer was "In a giant box of Christmas decorations." Congratulations!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Woohoo!!! The trivia question for Chapter 9 was "What happened to Stumpy's tree?" The answer was "It broke in half." Congratulations to Mrs. Lucca's class for getting the winning answer. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Brouwer's for winning the Chapter 8 Trivia question. The question was "How did Gwendolyn unlock Professor Albert's front door?" The answer was "with her claw." #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations to Mrs. Wilkinson's class for being the Chapter 7 Trivia Winner. The question was "Why did Professor Albert go outside during the ice storm?" The answer was " He was trying to protect his newly planted tress by putting a quilt over them." #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations to our Ch 6 Trivia Winner Mrs. Bollech's class. The question was "What food does Murray love to bring and share with Stumpy?" The answer was "Egg Rolls". #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
A big shout out to our February Students of the Month for the character trait - Fairness. These students are selected by their teacher as great representatives of this trait. Congratulations!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratuations to the Chapter 5 Trivia Winner - Ms. Volkening's Class. The question was "How many babies did Stumpy have?" The answer was three (two boys and a girl). Keep on Reading!!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Congratulations!!! The Chapter 4 Trivia Question was "What kind of animal is Murray?" the answer was "A bat."" A big shout out to Mrs. Timmermann's class on getting the correct answer. Keep reading!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
WooHoo!!! The chapter 3 question was What kind of animal does Gwendolyn think is a smart aleck? The answer was crows. Congratulations to Mrs. Benzinger's class for winning trivia! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
ch 3
WooHoo!!! Chapter 2 question was "Who is Gwendolyn?" The answer is Kona's hermit crab friend. Congratulations to Mrs. Behling's class for getting the correct answer! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
The Chapter 1 Trivia Question was: Who is about to become a mother? The answer was Stumpy the squirrel. The winning class was Mrs. Pacheco's class. They get the trophy for the day along with 20 cogs bucks. Congratulations!!! #gkcogs #kesisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
ch 1
2nd Grade Concert tonight at GKHS. Concert begins at 7:00pm. Students should be there by 6:40pm. #gkcogs #KESisthebest
over 1 year ago, Stefanie Hill
Just a reminder that this week is a short one. We have school on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22 ONLY. We will not have school on Wednesday, November 23, Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
Just a reminder - there is no school on Friday, November 11, 2022. Good luck the GK Varsity Volleyball team with their state competition. Happy Veteran's Day. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
The GK PTO is selling socks. What a great idea!!! Everyone needs socks. These would make adorable little gifts. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
KES picture retakes are scheduled for January 5, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
pic retakes
Thank you for attending KES parent/teacher conferences. Great things happen when we all work together. #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill
thank you
Please remember that your child's attendance is very important. You may receive a letter from the school stating the number of days your child has missed. In most cases this is just a FYI . #gkcogs #kesisthebest
almost 2 years ago, Stefanie Hill