Kindergarten news

Kindergarten Newsletter

Week of January 10, 2022

Upcoming Dates:

  • January 13 - Report Cards sent home
  • January 14 - NO SCHOOL Teacher Institute Day
  • Janaury 17 - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • January 24 - Healthy Heart Challendge Assembly
  • January 28 - 100 day in Kindergarten


  • Please make sure your child has a pair of gym shoes for PE.
  • Make sure winter gear is labeled with your child's name (snow pants).
  • Please pack two healthy snacks and a water bottle with your child every day.

Report Cards - Please sign and return only the report card envelope at your earliest convenience.  Your child's report card is yours to keep!!! Thank you!

Phonics:  Focus letter teams this week are ie and ee/or

Kindergarten blending homework starts this week.  Your child's teacher will be sending home a blending word list each week.  Please be sure to follow the directions and return the practiced word list each week with a parent signature.

Tricky Word of the Week:     do

January's Word Family:     ____ing

Math:  We continue to practice, learn, and understand subtraction.  Give your child some objects, such as pennies.  Ask your child to count 4 pennies and then take 3 away.  Next, have your child write the equation.  Use 4 new pennies and repeat with 4-1, 4-2, and 4-0.  Write the equation each time.  Ask your child to describe the pattern he/she sees.