Kindergarten Newsletter
Week of October 14, 2019
Sound we are learning: Hh
Tricky Word of the Week: Play
Practicing current and previous tricky/sight words is essential to mastery of them.
October Word Families: -in
Important Dates to Remember:
- Thursday, October 17th – Picture Retakes and Great Shakedown Drill
- Friday, October 18th – End of the 1st quarter
- Monday, October 21st – Vision and Hearing Screenings
- Tuesday, October 22nd – Vision and Hearing Screenings
- Friday, October 25th – All School Bingo and COGS store
- Thursday, October 31st – Halloween Parties (Remember only parents signed up to help will be allowed in for the party.)
1st Quarter Assessments:
All Classrooms will begin assessing for first quarter conferences. Please review the below skills with your child at home. Your support is always appreciated.
- Math – Number 0-10. Count groups of objects, identify numbers in print and write numbers. Identify greater, less than and equal when comparing groups of objects.
- Phonics – Capital and lowercase letter names
- Trick words – the, I, see, to, you, like
Thank you!
Thank you to the Genoa Fire Station for hosting our kindergarten classes last week. Also, thank you to all of the parents who came along with us.