Pam Pascolini, 815-825-2086 ext. 3370 or Tricia Wagner, ext. 3180
* 11th grade reading level required. Pre-registration and placement testing required

Candidate qualifications to take the GED test
An individual is eligible to take the GED test given they meet the guidelines listed below:

  • 17 years of age or older

  • Is not a high school graduate or a GED graduate

  • Has maintained residence in the State of Illinois for thirty days

Note: If an individual is of school age and has been enrolled in a public, private or a home school setting in the last 12 months, they must present a withdrawal letter from the last school enrolled before taking the GED test.

GED Testing Areas

  • Writing - part one: 50 questions, 75 minutes; part two: Essay, 45 minutes

  • Social Studies - 50 questions, 70 minutes

  • Science - 50 questions, 80 minutes

  • Reading - 40 questions, 65 minutes

  • Math - part one (calculator): 25 questions, 45 minutes; part two (without calculator): 25 questions, 45 minutes

To complete the GED a candidate must earn an average of 450 points for each of the five tests with a minimum total of 2,250 points; no score may be below 410.

Constitution Test Requirement
The State of Illinois requires all persons who receive a high school or GED diploma to pass the Constitution test. Those who did not meet this requirement while in high school must take a Constitution test administered by the GED Testing Center.

If you passed the Constitution test in high school or another institution you will need an official letter written on letterhead from the school or institution.

It must include the following:

  • Your complete name, birth date, and social security number

  • Statement saying you completed the Constitution test on a certain date

  • Signature of a school/institution staff member

  • Mailed directly to the GED Testing Center at Kishwaukee College or brought to the Center in a sealed envelope

GED Testing Steps

Step 1: Disability & Testing Accommodations
If you have a diagnosed disability or think you might have one, and need testing accommodations, contact Kate Storey at 815-825-2086, ext. 3190. The process of obtaining the necessary documentation and having the testing accommodations approved by the State may take two to three months.

Step 2: Regional Office of Education
Usually the office is open for GED registrations from 8:30 -11:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m., but it’s best to call first at 815-217-0460.  Bring $50.00 in check, cash or money order; credit cards are not accepted.  One of the following IDs must be presented to the ROE: driver’s license, state ID, military ID, international ID, valid passport, or some other government-issued photo ID. Firearm IDs and Kishwaukee College IDs are not accepted.  Your ID must contain ALL of the following: photo, legal name, current address, birth date, and signature.

Step 3: Schedule Your GED Tests
After you have registered at the ROE, call Tricia Hernandez at the GED Testing Center, 815-825-2086, Ext. 3111 to schedule your GED test(s). Tests are given on the first, second, and third Wednesday mornings except holidays.  Write down your testing dates and times when scheduling them because no reminders are sent out.  Notify the Testing Center, 815-825-2086, Ext. 3111, at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to test on your scheduled day.

Step 4: Cancellation of GED Testing
Kishwaukee College may cancel testing when classes are canceled due to extreme weather conditions or other emergencies. To find out about school closings, call the College 815-825-2086 or check the college's website

Step 5: Testing Day
Come on time to room A-200 for check-in; the test begins PROMPTLY and no one will be admitted after that time. Consult the testing schdule for the exact times.  Bring your photo ID you showed the ROE staff; without it you will not be allowed to test.  If it’s the first time you are testing, please bring your copy of the registration form you completed at the ROE.  PLEASE DO NOT BRING TO TESTING: Cell phones, pagers, alarms, calculators, watches, portable music players, hand-held electronic games, other devices that turn on or off, food items, books, notebooks, supplies, and other such items.  If you moved or changed your legal name, tell the GED Examiner.  It is very important that your current address is on file for receiving your test scores and your GED certificate in a timely manner.

Step 6: During Testing
IF YOUR CELL PHONE OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE GOES OFF DURING TESTING, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE AND YOUR TEST WILL NOT BE SCORED.  Listen closely and comply with all test instructions.  Respect the right of other examinees to have a quiet testing environment.

Step 7: After Testing
Keep the test questions confidential; do not share them with your instructor or other examinees.  Scores will be mailed to you 5-7 days after testing.  DO NOT CALL FOR YOUR SCORES! Test scores CANNOT be given over the phone.  Report evidence of unfair testing or altered documents to the GED Chief Examiner, 815-825-2086, ext. 3760.

Step 8: Retesting
Your registration fee of $50 allows you to take each of the GED tests one time within a year of your registration date. The Constitution Test may be taken multiple times at no cost.  You may schedule a retake by calling Tricia Hernandez at 815-825-2086, Ext. 3111. Each retake fee is $10.00 except for the writing test which is $15.00. Please bring the exact amount.  You are allowed to take each test 3 times per calendar year.  If you do not pass a test, please return to your GED class for assistance; do not give up!

Step 9: GED Graduation and Transition to College
Upon completion of the GED requirements, the Regional Office of Education will mail you the official transcript of the GED test results and certificate.