GKHS Families,
We would like to provide you with information regarding the start of school and provide a brief overview of our weekly schedule and a description of what school will look like for our learners. In an effort to reduce the number of times students change classrooms, we have modified our previously posted schedule. The new schedule is below:
GKHS will be returning to a block schedule for Monday - Thursday of each week. The block will work a little differently than in previous years, in that Monday and Tuesday will always be “A” days and Wednesdays and Thursdays will always be “B” days. As we are still adhering to our hybrid model of Orange and Blue days, we will still only have half of our students in the building each of these days. Monday will be an Orange “A” day, students with the last name of A-L will be present, in the school building, with students with the last name of M-Z will be tuning in to their classes remotely. The remote learning will largely be synchronous with the remote students will be following along with their classes at the same time they are being conducted inside the school building. Tuesday, will be a Blue “A” day with students with the last name of M-Z present, in the school building, and students with last names A-L having synchronous remote instruction at home.
Wednesday and Thursday will work similarly to Monday and Tuesday except students will attend their “B” day classes either in person or remotely, following the Orange and Blue schedule. Wednesdays will always be Orange “B” days and Thursdays will always be Blue “B” days.
On Fridays, all GKHS students will learn remotely from home. The Friday schedule for GKHS combines both “A” and “B” days. Students will meet with all eight of their “A” and “B” day classes.
The first day of school is Monday, August 31. On that day, our Orange students (students with last names of A-L) will be present in the building and our Blue students (students with last names of M-Z) will be engaging in synchronous remote learning.