Remote Learning Pass/Incomplete Info

To earn a P (Pass), you need to log in regularly, work with your teachers, and complete the assignments to a P level.  If you have an 'essential job' or other responsibilities that keep you from logging into live sessions, do the work in the evening.  Continue to email and contact your teachers. The P will be averaged with your 3rd quarter grade.  Stay engaged.

To earn an I (Incomplete) means that you did NOT engage in remote learning or disengaged.  In that case, the I will make your semester grade an I.  It does not harm your grade, but you will not earn credit - yet.  Upon return to a normal school schedule, you will have the opportunity to make up / redo the work to earn the credit. 

Here is the language from the Illinois State Board of Education:
The recommendations on grading during this period of unprecedented crisis offers direction to school leaders for pass/incomplete options (not pass/fail). The advisory group expects that student learning continues during the remote learning period. The group does not want a negative impact on students. In place of an “F,” for example, the recommendation is for an “incomplete” that can be made up when the remote learning period ends. Individual student engagement or disengagement will be addressed locally. There are factors outside of the control of the school system with learning being moved off site; therefore, the aim is that student grades are not lowered as a result of remote learning. ISBE recommends that a student who is not able to be engaged, or who chooses to disengage, in remote learning should receive an incomplete or no grade.