Elyssa's Mission

Families of Sophomores and Juniors should have received this email message.  Please contact the GKHS office if you would like to update your information. 

Symptoms of depression and risk factors for suicide have been on the rise for adolescents.  To proactively address these issues, Genoa-Kingston High School is offering depression awareness and suicide prevention training as part of the SOS Signs of Suicide® Prevention Program for our sophomore and juniors. The program aims to increase help seeking by students concerned about themselves or a friend. 

This program will be presented to all of our 10th and 11thgrade students on Tuesday or Thursday, February 4 or February 6.  The school is partnering with Elyssa’s Mission, a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention, to present the program to our students.  To get more information on suicide prevention, visit their website at www.elyssasmission.org.  Be sure to view their online Parent Presentation at http://elyssasmission.org/parent-suicide-prevention-training/ for specific information on warning signs and how to keep your child safe.

As part of the program, facilitators will show the SOS video and subsequently lead students in discussion. Students will then complete a brief depression screener as well as fill out a Response Card indicating whether or not they would like to speak to an adult about themselves or a friend. The depression screening tool addresses thoughts and feelings which a parent may be unaware their child is having. This tool does not provide a diagnosis of depression, but rather alerts school staff to those students requiring further investigation.  School mental health staff will be available to meet with designated students; school staff will subsequently notify parents/guardians regarding any needed next steps.

If you have any questions and/or do NOT want your child to participate in this program, please contact  Karen Simmons, Director of Student Services at 815-784-6222, ext. 1723 prior to the program date.